In an alkene, cis and trans isomers are possible because the double band is rigid, cannot rotate, has groups attached to the carbons of the double bond that are fixed relative to each other, and only occurs with double bonds-possibility that molecule will have different geometries; two different molecules with slightly different properties.
-Trans-2 ends of chain across the double bond.
While naming Cis-Trans isomers the prefix cis or trans are placed in front of the alkene name when there are cis-trans isomers.
is the solubility of the gas when it exerts a partial pressure of 92.4kPa.
<h3>What is Henry's law?</h3>
Mathematically, we can get this from Henry's law
From Henry law;
Concentration = Henry constant × partial pressure
Thus Henry constant = 
Henry constant = 

is the solubility of the gas when it exerts a partial pressure of 92.4kPa.
Learn more about the Henry's law here:
BRASS :It is easy to form into various shapes, a good conductor of heat, and generally resistant to corrosion from salt water. 1 pipes and 2 tubes, 3 screws, 4 cartridge casings for firearms.
BRONZE :for bearings because of its friction properties, and as 1 musical instruments ,2 and medals
Sulphur :1 making car batteries, 2 fertilizer
IODINE :1 Iodine regulates skin moisture levels and aids in the healing of cuts and scars through cellular regeneration. 2 Iodine also regulates the hormones responsible for acne breakouts.3 Treating thyroid cancer.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. Why do you think forensic scientists are so careful that the tests they do are sensitive, reproducible, and specific? What might happen if they were less careful about this?
They have to be careful to ensure as much accuracy as possible.
2.Which type of evidence do you think is most useful in an investigation? Why?
Physical evidence would probably be most important because it is the best way to connect someone directly with that crime.
3.Why do you think that forensic scientists continue to look for class characteristics given their limitations?
Class characteristics are good in court because it provides details of different aspects of the crime.
Answer: Silver has an atomic mass of aproximately 107.9.
1 mole of silver atoms = 107.9g and there are 6.02x10^23 atoms in one mole.