11.16 times 3.27 is 36.4932
First we are going to find the common denominator of both fractions. To do that, we are going to multiply their denominators:

Now we can rewrite our expression using the common denominator:

Finally, we can use the trig identities:


to simplify our trig expression:
We can conclude that the correct answer is the fourth one.
(2g^3+4)^2= 4g^6 + 16g^3 + 16
The answer is B.
I'd say yes. If you use the diagonal as a reference. Take the square and set your compass to the width of the diameter of the square. Now put it on the page and mark a point. Put the point of the compass on that mark and make another mark. Now you can connect the two marks with the straight edge and you have a line that, if you made a square with sides that long, it'd have 2x the area of the first one. That's because the diagonal is the square root of 2 larger than one side. Square the square root of 2 and you've got 2. You lust need to make a perpendicular line to the first one to get the box going.