contain fewer double bonds
Palm oil and coconut oil are more like animal fats than are other plant oils. Because they contain fewer double bonds than other plant oils, they may contribute to cardiovascular disease.
The more the double bonds the more it can react with other compounds to form a single bond which will reduce risk of cardiovascular disease
<span>If you were to look down at the plane of the solar system from its 'north pole' you would see the planets orbiting the Sun counter clockwise, and rotating on their axis counterclockwise. Except for Venus. Venus would be rotating clockwise as it orbited the Sun counterclockwise. Venus is not alone. The axis of Uranus is inclined so far towards the plane of the solar system that it almost rolls on its side as it orbits the Sun.</span>
The pig embryo or fetus are both developmental stages in a pig's life cycle from conception and leading up to birth. The embryo and the fetus should be found in the uterus lining of the female pig, as this is where conception would occur and where the fetus will develop until it is ready to be born.
crystallisation- liquids cool to a solid-state to form crystals.
Tree planting is the safest solution to pollution. Save the earth, save our environment. Don't be cruel, conserve your fuel.