I would have to give up my dream of getting an economics degree because I felt that an economics degree would give me a more stable future. My parents always believed that, after finishing my education, I should pursue my acting career.
I'd make another choice, since I'm happy with my job now. If I choose to perform, I should have struggled a lot.
Consumers C make decisions because each action has a risk cost. You can't do two things at the same time and must choose one.
Individual producers / nations must choose what they are to produce, how they are to produce and how much they are to produce, as their resources are limited and their alternatives are being applied.
The correct answer is letter "D": group's altercations and group's celebrations.
The unit of context represents the samples that are going to be taken into consideration for research. According to those samples, it will be possible to conduct a study about a specific topic of interest for the researcher that he or she would like to expose.
In that case, analyzing the TV show characters during the group's altercations and group celebrations will allow the researcher to conduct the study.
10% of exam score
Opportunity Cost is the cost of next best alternative, foregone (sacrifised) while making a choice.
Example : If a person has option to have an apple or an orange, & choses to have apple. The opportunity cost of having an apple is the sacrifised orange.
Given : A night before mid time exam, spent while watching movies - later lead to fall in exam grade from 70 % to 60%
The opportunity cost of movies watched, is the sacrifised grade of exam, which would have gotten, if the time would have spent in studying. The corresponding grade lost = 70% grade achievable - 60% grade achieved. Hence, the opportunity cost = 10% of exam score.