
=> The colour of this stone is usually a pale greenish blue, owing to the presence of iron impurities. Stones that are treated with heat look more blue than green. On the Mohs scale of hardness, aquamarine ranges between 7.5 and 8 making it a relatively hard gemstone.
=> The best way to identify a real aquamarine stone is by looking at its colour. In its natural form, they have a pale blue colour, which is similar to seawater. They may have a slight green or yellow tint as well. Naturally occurring gems have excellent clarity and transparency.
=> The hardness of the stone is another feature you can use to identify the stone. Aquamarine stones are hard and they don’t get scratches easily. However, they can easily scratch glass and other such surfaces. So, if you find visible scratches on the stone, rethink your decision to buy it.
=> Most faceted aquamarine stones are clean to the eye and clear of any inclusions. However, translucent and opaque aquamarine is also available. These are usually fashioned into cabochons or beads. In some cases, inclusions may appear as parallel tubes. Such stones can be crafted to show a cat’s eye. Stones with cat’s eye and star effect are rare and highly priced.
ΔG=ΔG0+RTlnQ where Q is the ratio of concentrations (or activities) of the products divided by the reactants. Under standard conditions Q=1 and ΔG=ΔG0 . Under equilibrium conditions, Q=K and ΔG=0 so ΔG0=−RTlnK . Then calculate the ΔH and ΔS for the reaction and the rest of the procedure is unchanged.
This one is beta decay (the -1 subscript tells us that)
This movement is known as convection or convection currents. This occurs due to the fact that warmer fluid is of lower density than colder fluid. This causes warmer fluid to rise and colder fluid to sink. This creates circulatory currents within the body of the fluid.