D, i not really sure but, i guess its D
Answer: The Printing press, airplane, automobile
The Modern Age is considered the age of science and technology because at this age there are many inventions that people are using now and that made our life easier.
Examples of science and technology inventions: The Printing press, Light bulb, Airplane, Computer, Vaccines, Telephone, Automobile, Camera, Refrigeration, Clock, and more.
There are also Vaccum, the Radar, Automatic washing machine, Email, Internet, Mobile phone.
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The term institutionalization can be defined as: The act of implanting a convention or norm into society.
Institutionalization isthe process of implanting some conception like; a belief, norm, social role, particular value or mode of behavior within an organization, social system, or society as a whole. A particular individual or group can be comittedto an institution, such as a mental or welfare institution. This termnology can also be used in a political sense to apply to the creation or organization of governmental institutions or particular bodies responsible for overseeing or implementing policy, for example in financial, immigration, etc.
the public health organization stop foodborne illness recommends one of two mrthods.
you can eithet suspend your dishes in a really hot water bath at least 170 degrees F ,for at least 30 seconds. Or soak dishes in a sanitizing solution of bleach and water one teaspoon of unscented chlorine bleach.