I believe you have to install locate with "sudo apt-get install locate" and type "locate 'filename'"
The currency element constitutes information whether the information of the website is current or up to date.
A website is a term used to describe unique publicly accessible web pages that are identified by a domain name. Information on websites is typically updated by website owners, hence, some websites may not be updated frequently when compared to others. Thus, the currency element is an element users take into consideration when evaluating a website's content, whether or not the information is up to date.
You can learn more about the currency element here https://brainly.in/question/48673521
The statement, "The amount of magnification gained from the extension tube is dependent on the focal length of the lens" is true.
The two security regulations the PCI enforce in regards to
electronic banking are an external Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) or by a
firm specific Internal Security Assessor that creates a Report on Compliance
for organizations handling large volumes of transactions, or by Self-Assessment
Questionnaire (SAQ) for companies handling smaller volumes.
Scarcity of availability causes producers to either charge
higher prices or to produce more goods and services (like energy
production, cars, paper, etc.)