Issun Sengeki... Messatsu!
Alike of what the other guy said, only the female mosquito sucks blood.
Being that this is true, the mosquito(s) could have been in any environment. They could carry diseases and illnesses. On top of that, they can carry microscopic organism, unlike diseases, that can cause infections.
I think it is A because birds do help spread around the seeds hope i helped
Respiratory homeostasis is concerned with the regulation of a blood gas composition that is compatible with maintaining cellular homeostasis. Provided that the lung-capillary exchange barrier does not prevent the exchange of gases, then blood leaving the lung will have oxygen and carbon dioxide partial pressures that are similar to the average values found in the alveoli. Alveolar ventilation establishes these values. If blood gas composition, especially of carbon dioxide, moves outside the homeostatic range, the change is detected by chemoreceptors and respiratory responses are promoted which change alveolar ventilation, alter alveolar gas composition and so reverse the change. Ventilation therapies provide the means of artificially restoring alveolar gas composition. In general terms, they do this by raising the partial pressure of oxygen within the alveoli either by using oxygen-enriched gas mixtures, or by improving the ventilation of alveoli using positive pressure.
Double fertilization-plants with seeds (flowering plants), two male gametes joining with female gametophyte
Gametophyte generation-both (haploid, sexual stage stage-gametophyte, and the diploid stage that produces spores – sporophyte)
Endosperm formed-plants with seed because it is a tissue formed inside the seed which surrounds the embryo and provides nutrition
Mitosis-both (mitosis occurres in spores)
Spores develop into gametophytes-both but, in seedless plants sporophyte produces spores that will develop into a new organism (multicellular gametophyte) using mitosis, while spores of seed plants are produced internally and develop into more complex structures.
3.13 x 10 ^9
This is because only 1 number is front of the decimal and 2 numbers should be after