The disease is called Scleroderma
In simple term, Heart can be stated as the organ which pumps the blood and circulates the blood throughout the body and It prevents the back flow of blood from the left ventricle into the left atrium.
The Heart spreads the blood to our human body through two ways the right side and left side.
Right side:
- The right atrium receives the deoxygenated blood from our body than the right atrium contracts and then blood passes to the right ventricle.
Left side:
- To the other side of the pulmonary vein, the newly oxygenated blood moves to the left atrium.
- Then the left atrium contracts and it pushes the blood to the left ventricle, then left ventricle becomes full it then contracts and pushes the blood back to the body.
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The youngest age a teen can obtain a learners permit in Georgia is 16 is <em>TRUE</em>
Georgia Department of Driver Services as mentioned the basic requirements for obtaining the learner’s Lincense. They are
- The person applying for learner’s permit must be atleast 15 years of age.
- He/She should Pass the Vision Exam and Knowledge Exam.
- Applicants under age 18 are required to have Parent/Guardiansignature.
There are also certain documents necessary for getting learner’s license in Georgia.They are
- One document for identity verification ( Ex birth certificate or passport)
- One document for verification of social security number. (social security card)
- Two documents for verification of residence. ( Ex:school report cards or bank statements)