Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey
2. Mazloum Abdi
In President George W. Bush's State of the Union Address of January 29, 2002, he reviewed the nation's response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. President Bush drew controversy when he then sketched his plan for dealing with terrorism in the months and years that lay ahead. According to the president, the greatest threat to America came not simply from Al Qaeda, but from an Axis of Evil—nations that represented the ultimate repression of human freedom. The three rogue states—Iraq, Iran and North Korea—not only oppressed their own people, but also actively aided terrorist groups. Defeating this Axis of Evil became the cornerstone of the Bush administration's plan to defeat global terrorism.
Trauma is prolonged emotional reaction to a perceived terrible event like an accident, or natural disaster or in this case unpleasant childhood memories/parental abuse like Nate is experiencing. It is usually characterized by immediate shock and denial after the event may have occurred. Longer term symptoms could include unpredictable or negative emotions, unpleasant flashbacks, and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.
Representatives and Senates are chosen by Electoral votes
Itsuki's withdrawal from all social interaction, likely the result of bullying.
Bullying is defined as the repeated and intentional harming and humiliation of others, particularly those who are smaller, weaker, younger, or otherwise more vulnerable than the bully. Bullying is distinguished from ordinary aggression by its deliberate targeting of those with less power.
Bullying can include both verbal and physical attacks, as well as threats of harm, other forms of intimidation, and deliberate exclusion from activities. Bullying appears to peak between the ages of 11 and 13 and then declines as children get older. Overt physical aggression, such as kicking, hitting, and shoving, is most common in younger children; relational aggression, such as spreading rumors and social exclusion, becomes more common as children mature.
Learn more about bullying here:
<span>Family more than friends
Hope this helps!</span>