Glass elevator
Glass elevator or glass escalator effects describes situations where men(heterosexual men for instance) that are found in supposed women profession are put on fast track to upward advancement in the profession compared to the women folk. It is mostly found in pink collar and health care professions and is debated on under gender equality topics
I believe the answer is: c. receive a great deal of publicity
Overturning hearing due to technological changes usually would make a lot of people that is charge with similar cases had the basis to reduce or eliminate their sentence. Because of the magnitude of the decision, reporters usually really interested in such cases.
I'm no good at geometry. Whenever I answer questions wrong in class, the teacher looks at me like I'm stupid and other students laugh at me
As developed by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902, the looking-glass self is a social psychological concept suggests that a person's self "judgement" is developed out of society's interpersonal interactions and the perceptions of others. In other words stating that we develop our self based on the judgements of others. This is reflected in the statement above
where the student believes he is "no good at geometry" because others laugh and believe he is "no good at geometry"
I believe its false. You should pick up debris no matter if anyone notices or not.
Dakara watashi wa sore ga tada no orokana pankudearu koto o ki ni shimasen! !
Watashi wa sono orokamono o kinishinai! !