Holding all other factors constant, the company should invest in the building project since the expected value of the project is a $ 9000 profit.
Scenario analysis is done when companies need to make decisions based on possible financial outcomes of a project or investment. The expected value of a project or investment would tell investors whether they are taking on a suitable level of risk given the likelihood of the anticipated return. The anticipated return is calculated as follows using the expected value formula:
Expected value (X) = Sum of [P(Xₙ) *Xₙ] where P is the probability of an event occurring(chance of occurrence and X is the event itself (Project outcome).
The expected value of the building project: $9, 000
Event Probability Event Value Event Outcome
Loss 30% (0.03) -($30,000) -($9000) (0.03* -($30,000))
Break-even 40% (0.04) $0 $0 (0.04 *$0)
Profit 30% (0.03) $60,000 <u>$18,000</u> (0.03 * $60, 000)
Expected Value <u> </u><u>$9,000</u>
Given that the expected value of the project is positive, the company would take on the project holding all other factors constant. However, in a real world setting factors such as the company's risk profile, investment portfolio performance as well as whether the projected profit would meet their stipulated required rate of return, would have to be considered before the final decision to invest was made.