I would first put jaws at number one because most of the other options are for mammals while some marine life has jaws too.
Los síntomas del chancro incluyen una o más ulceras y dolor en los nódulos linfáticos, es decir en el área donde las piernas y el tronco del cuerpo se unen. La úlcera empieza como un granito doloroso que se llena de pus y luego se convierte en una llaga o úlcera.
As the world's most dominant and productive crop, with extensive areas of land dedicated to global production yields of over 1 billion metric tons, corn is used for a variety of purposes — including animal feed, grain for human consumption, ethanol, as well as for high fructose corn syrup, sweeteners, starch, and for ingredients in food and all natural products
It ocurred a selection by allopatric speciation
The allopatric speciation refers to the evolution in which the same specie starts developing different characteristics because of geographic barrers and this characteristics after some time generates two different specie.
It happens because usually according to the environment or the predators, species have to develop different adaptations so they can survive. In this case we have two different types of camouflage adaptations made by the salamanders acording to the conditions so for one specie it is better to camouflage from the predator mean while to the other is better to use lived colors to seem as it is a poisonous animal and in this way avoid the predators.
So you can see the same specie develop different strategies to survive because of a geographic separation, generating an allopatric speciation.
black carbon which is "B"