3.Fitness is related to whether an organism's adaptations result in more offspring
Cells because most living things like plant life and humans are made up of cells and animals are made up of cells too!
- Reduced risk of neural tube defects- <u>diet adequate in synthetic form of folate </u>
Reduced risk of hypertension and stroke- <u>diet low in sodium and high in potassium </u>
Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease- <u>fatty acids from oils present in fish </u>
Reduced risk of some types of cancer- <u>diet rich in fiber</u>
As you may already know, the adequate intake of certain nutrients is very beneficial to our body and to improve and maintain our health. That's because these nutrients act in the construction of essential molecules to keep our body functioning in a healthy and adequate way. Among the numerous nutrients necessary for our health, we can mention that the adequate intake of folate has the ability to reduce the creation of possible defects in the neural tube, while a diet rich in potassium can reduce the risks of hypertension, especially if accompanied by a low sodium diet. Following this same reasoning, a diet rich in fiber can reduce the risk of cancer, in addition to promoting good bowel function. Last but not least, a diet rich in fatty acids from fish can reduce cardiovascular disease.
what are two parts of the mitochondria?
Mitochondrial matrices and cristae
Mitochondria matrices makes up the spaces in-between the inner membrane while the mitochondria cristae resulted as a result of folding inwards of the inner membrane.