Decimal: 3.5
350 divided by 100 = 3.5
Percentage: 350%
Move the decimal 2 times to the right
3.5 -> 350
Add a percent sign
<span>a. n/4 ≤ -1
Multiply both sides by 4 => n ≤ - 4, which is all the real numbers less or equal than - 4.
That in the real number line is all the numbers to the left of - 4 (including -4)
The matching graph is the B.
b. -10n ≥ -100
Divide both sides by - 10 => n ≤ 10
That is all the real numbers less or equal than 10.
In the real number line it is all the numbers to the left of 10, including 10.
So, the matching graph is the A.
c. 5x ≥ 20
Divide both sides by 5 => x ≥ 4
That is all the real numbers greater or equal to 4.
In the real number line it is all the numbers to the right of 4, including 4.
The matching graph is C.</span>
Step-by-step explanation:
The sum of 14 and x has to be (14+x)
10 cheese pizzas
use simple ratio, 3:2 (3 pepperoni for every 2 cheese)
to make the ratio bigger, we substitute the "3" pepperoni for "15" pepperoni. then take the new amount, 15/3 original, you get 5. then multiply the 2 original cheese pizzas by that 5, and you get 10 cheese pizza's.
hope that helps