Nuclear energy
All nuclear power plants use nuclear fission, and most nuclear power plants use uranium atoms. During nuclear fission, a neutron collides with a uranium atom and splits it, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation.
Zoo keeper ............................
Drinking water would be right
In my home, we have our own way to deal with tornadoes. If there is ever a tornado warning or watch, we head down to our basement and huddle up against a corner. We also have emergency kits that include food, water, flashlights, and other essentials that might be needed. By doing this, my family and I are being safe and prepared for any disaster that strikes.
D) bacteria
Antibiotics can kill certain bacteria, but sometimes it's better to just let the bacteria run its course and let it die out on its own. It should be noted, that with our mass usage of antibiotics, certain bacterias have developed a resistance against antibiotics and that is not good at all.