I’d say monthly. It probably wouldn’t kill you to do it every three months though.
In Javascript, you can accept an input value by using the prompt() function and saving the input into a variable. In the following lines of code, I have declared the three variables at the beginning and then prompted the user to enter a value for each and saved the values in the correct variables. In Javascript length is a keyword so I used len instead.
let base, height, len;
base = prompt("Enter Base value: ");
height = prompt("Enter Height value: ");
len = prompt("Enter Length value: ");
int costOfBusRental;
int maxBusRiders;
int costPerRider;
costPerRider = costOfBusRental/maxBusRiders;
The costPerRider is the total cost of renting the bus (costofBusRental) divided by all the bus users (maxBusRiders). So we declare the three variables to be of type int as required by the question.