The devil effect
The devil effect is normally used to describe a situation where people assume that other people have and may likely exhibit bad characteristics. In most cases, the devil effect error, also called the negative halo effect is always wrong in the sense that the person in question usually do not possess the bad characteristics being assumed.
Shortage<span> is a situation in which quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied.</span>
When quantity supplied is equal to quantity demanded, it is called equilibrium of demand. Both supply and demand are equal.
<span>When quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded, it is called surplus. Excess supply of goods are called surplus.</span>
a member of a group of English Protestants of the late 16th and 17th centuries who regarded the Reformation of the Church of England under Elizabeth as incomplete and sought to simplify and regulate forms of worship.
Thanks whoever you are hope you have one too
In a free market economy, the law of supply and demand, rather than a central government, regulates production and labor. Companies sell goods and services at the highest price consumers are willing to pay while workers earn the highest wages companies are willing to pay for their services.