The answer to the question: Where does the stimulus occur in order to initiate an AP, would be, B: Dendrites.
When an impulse is to be generated and passed on as an action potential towards a corresponding neuronal cell, and a final affected organ, the neurons need first to be stimulated so that an action potential begins. This stimulus comes as a neurotransmitter released by other neurons near the one that will be stimulated. This neurotransmitter will bind to the receptors on the dendrites of the neuron to be stimulated and immediately this will cause the ion channels, gated and non-gated, to open and close so that an action potential can be initiated. The cell body then initiates the first action potential, and will in turn stimulate the axon to also start their own action potential, which will, like a domino effect, move down to the axon terminals. This process will be followed all along a neuronal circuit.
Gradually, came sushi and karate from Japan, and delicatessens from Italy and Germany, and 18 speed bikes from several European countries. Chinese food cooked and served by Chinese Canadians, not all of it authentic Cantonese or Szechuan or whatever, got steadily more popular as I grew up. And pizza. And espresso coffee. And holopchi from Ukraine and pyrogies from Poland. French perfumes. Mexican leather goods. Smorgasbords. All of these were virtually unknown to me when I was in grade 1, but were common by the time I was in university. I could go on and on. Other countries are going through similar experiences, some more slowly that Canada has, some actually a bit faster.
Then there are the subtler things, the ways of thinking and living. Yoga, tai-chi, zen, existentialism, deconstructionism, post-modernism, Marxism, supply side economics and on and on.
This world is a globalized one now, and it has been getting gradually more and more so for a long time. There is no going back. We learn to live together on Starship Earth or we exterminate ourselves.
The nurse would refer the client for a thyroid function test. The thyroid function test is a blood test that measures how well your thyroid is working. The test measures the levels of thyroid hormones in your blood.
The thyroid is a small gland located in the lower front of the neck. The gland produces thyroid hormones, which are secreted into the blood and then carried to every tissue in the body. Thyroid hormones help the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs working as they should. The most common thyroid disorder is hypothyroidism, which occurs when the gland does not make enough thyroid hormone. Symptoms of hypothyroidism can include fatigue, weight gain, constipation, dry skin, and feeling cold.
Learn more about hypothyroidism at :
Balcetis explains that when people are in shape, they are more likely to view an exercise as achievable. More important than fitness, however, was individuals’ motivation to exercise. Those who were motivated to exercise saw a finish line as closer, than those who were unmotivated.
In a second study, Balcetis experimented with how changing one’s perspective on an exercise, can help to make it seem more doable. Balcetis presented a finish line at the end of a moderate sized path. Her control group looked around their settings as they normally would, and then estimated how far away the finish line was. The experimental group was instructed to look directly at the finish line and to try to eliminate other objects in their point of view. The results: the group that kept their eyes on the prize estimated the finish line to be thirty percent closer than those in the control group.
Last, Balcetis examined how perspective can help directly improve ease and efficiency. She had subjects try a moderately difficult exercise of walking a fair distance with weights. Again, one group kept their eyes on the finish line, while the other group proceeded normally. Those who focused on the finish line, felt that the exercise was fifteen percent easier than those in the control group. The focused group also moved twenty-three percent faster.
So what do all these findings mean? The way we look at exercise can make a big difference in how hard it feels and how hard we work at it. As Balcetis says, “keeping your eyes on the prize, may be an additional strategy you can use to promote a healthy lifestyle.” Well any strategy that makes exercise seem easier and gets me working harder, is one I’m definitely down for.
Yea, but what's the question?