Larry will have a greater chance of recovering completely because, in him, schizophrenia had an abrupt onset.
Schizophrenia is a chronic disease that causes neurological problems such as delusions, hallucinations, problems with reasoning and concentration. It can be a very debilitating disease if it is not treated correctly and efficiently.
Schizophrenia symptoms can happen in different ways and at different stages of life. As seen in the question above, some cases can happen abruptly, as was the case with Larry, while other cases, like Kahn, can develop symptoms slowly over months and even years. The cases that present all the symptoms abruptly are easier to be treated and recovered, since all the symptoms are fought at once. Cases like Kahn's, however, are more difficult because it is not possible to determine when the symptoms will appear or even if they will stop appearing.
Political parties have become a part of American system since the end of 19th Century. Of course, this is due to historical occurrences and the creation of United States after the Peace Treaty of Paris in 1783.
After the creation of independent state, United States started creating first political bodies, but also first political parties were established. The first parties that were established were Federalist and Democratic-Republican party. Of course, due to changes, Federalists disappeared as a political subject.
United States Constitution says that if the President becomes unable to do his job, the Vice President becomes the President. This can happen for just a little while, if the President is just sick or disabled for a short time.
Pearl Harbor being attacked.
Germany invaded France on May 10th, 1940. The U.S. bombed Japan in August of 1945. Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7th, 1941. The D-Day invasion was on June 6th, 1944.
Answer:Philanthropic and ethical responsibilities
What is ethical responsibility?
She will need to practice fairness as she start her business in such that whatever she does is fair to the people around her and especially to her competitors .
When people are in the business they may even be manipulative liers in order for their business to succeed , they may even set schemes that will see the other similar business going down and losing their businesses.
She will need to be fair ,use her own unique trademarks and strategies to win customers without jeopardising the other similar businesses ability to win theirs.
She may need to outsmart them by just being unique .
What is philanthropic responsibility?
Our carbon footprint plays a huge role in how we protect or demolish the environment, so she will need to find ways to avoid environmental impact that may be caused by her business .
For example selling food using containers that are non biodegradable can impact the environment .
She may also choose packaging bags that are environmental friendly .
Cover the ground around where she works with grass rather than leaving it bare.