Performer A once commented that he was always extremely nervous before a performance, but as soon as he started his activity he
became calm and was able to perform well. Performer B was also nervous before performances, but he remained nervous during performances and retired from performing in public for over a decade. Evaluate these statements and decide which one best describes the differences between A and B.A.For both performers A and B, the parasympathetic nervous system was dominant before performances. For performer A, the sympathetic nervous system became dominant while for B, the parasympathetic nervous system retained dominance.B. For both performers A and B, the parasympathetic nervous system was dominant before performances. For performer A, the parasympathetic nervous system retained dominance while for B, the parasympathetic nervous system became dominant.C. For both performers A and B, the sympathetic nervous system was dominant before performances. For performer B, the parasympathetic nervous system became dominant while for A, the sympathetic nervous system became dominant.D. For both performers A and B, the sympathetic nervous system was dominant before performances. For performer A, the parasympathetic nervous system became dominant while for B, the sympathetic nervous system retained dominance.
D. For both performers A and B, the sympathetic nervous system was dominant before performances. For performer A, the parasympathetic nervous system became dominant while for B, the sympathetic nervous system retained dominance.
Autonomic nervous system controls involuntary body functions like heart rate, respiratory rate, digestion etc. It can be further divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic nervous system is activated when an individual faces a potential threat or scary situation. It initiates "fight or flight" mechanism. Parasympathetic nervous system brings the body back to calm state. It initiates "rest and digest" mechanism.
Both A and B were scared before their performances so their sympathetic nervous system was dominant. But when A started performing his parasympathetic system took over and he became calm and performed well. Performer B's sympathetic system remained dominant even while performing hence he was nervous and scared during the entire performance and eventually retired.