The main idea of this paragraph, is, that people can create words by performing famous deeds. The author uses Louis Pasteur as an example.
Can you name the greatest mass murderer of the 20th century? No, it wasn’t Hitler or Stalin. It was Mao Zedong.
According to the authoritative “Black Book of Communism,” an estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China. Anyone who got in his way was done away with -- by execution, imprisonment or forced famine.
For Mao, the No. 1 enemy was the intellectual. The so-called Great Helmsman reveled in his blood-letting, boasting, “What’s so unusual about Emperor Shih Huang of the China Dynasty? He had buried alive 460 scholars only, but we have buried alive 46,000 scholars.” Mao was referring to a major “accomplishment” of the Great Cultural Revolution, which from 1966-1976 transformed China into a great House of Fear.
Abuse of power or abuse of authority, in the form of "malfeasance in office" or "official misconduct", is the commission of an unlawful act, done in an official capacity, which affects the performance of official duties. Power kills, absolute Power kills absolutely. This new Power Principle is the message emerging from my previous work on the causes of war1 and this book on genocide and government mass murder--what I call democide--in this century. The more power a government has, the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects. The more constrained the power of governments, the more it is diffused, checked and balanced, the less it will aggress on others and commit democide. At the extremes of Power2, totalitarian communist governments slaughter their people by the tens of millions, while many democracies can barely bring themselves to execute even serial murderers.
Dependency ratio is a measure of the number of dependents aged zero to 14 and over the of 65, compared with the total population aged 15 to 64
I believe the correct answer is differential opportunity theory.
According to this theory, our social and economic environment is crucial when determining whether a person is going to have success by using either legitimate or illegitimate means. Based on Tommy's background and the actions of his parents, and those of his own, he doesn't have many legal job opportunities he can pursue.
Answer: Anonymity allows students to freely express their concepts and criticisms without feeling that they are judged by others.
In the educational field, students are not only focused on learning the curricular contents taught by teachers, but the social part where they create friendships with each other is also involved. When a student has to make constructive criticism of another classmate, it often does not think about whether the work it did but how its criticism can affect the friendship it has with the person, which interferes to express an objective opinion.
Anonymity would be very useful in this class because it allows students to express their point of view without feeling that they will be judged by their classmates. When a student feels that it can give its opinion, knowing that it will not interfere with their friendship, it feels freer and speaks more clearly.
It is normal to see how sometimes a student can change his behavior towards another if he feels that it expressed itself in a way he did not like about the work done. This gets to interfere with their social dynamics, leading them to the point of losing a friendship. A student does not want to be in a classroom where it knows that his classmate does not want to see him.
If teachers implement anonymity in the feedback process, they will find more extensive opinions and criticisms in the learning process. They will see that students are going to talk more objectively since they will not feel the pressure that they will be signaled by their opinions.