Well this depends, if you are targeting a group of displaced people, that may be beneficial to the society already at the Caribbean Islands, then yes, of course it can. You may want to think of these people as potential tourists for the Caribbean Islands, and they may even want to move there. When you export a cultural identity naturally some people will identify themselves, and find themselves in that culture!
The instrument is called the Oscilloscope.
Many African countries gained there independents by political pressure and or fighting for there independents.
C. a social, military and economic system
People with an agreeable personality who become blind usually recover near-normal levels of day-to-day happiness, those who become paralyzed usually recover near-normal the same way, they all need to go throught different stages in order to get happiness back in their lifes, anger, depression, negociation and acceptance are the phases to finally understand and learn how to live with the new condition.