The prosecuting attorney is responsible
The star is pinpointing Finland. None of the above geographical features are located in Finland.
Alexander Hamilton sat on the committee that wrote the new constitution, but he did not play a large role in the actual writing of the constitution. He did, however, play a large role in the development of the new constitution. The committee that was tasked with developing the new constitution was made up of representatives from the thirteen states that made up the United States of America. The Articles of Confederation was not an effective means of governing the USA. The different states did not agree on the issues of justice and finance.
The answer is <u>"The Indian Removal Act and the Trial of Tears."</u>
Indian Removal Act refers to a demonstration or act passed by Andrew Jackson, constraining Native Americans in the Southeast to move to Oklahoma. This is one of the real sources of controversy including Andrew Jackson.
Trail of Tears is the name for the route removed Native Americans went up against their approach to Oklahoma. Nicknamed this because of the starvation, cool, and sickness that thousands experienced.