The answer to the first unknown in the problem is "Justice" while in the second unknown in the problem is "Showing of care". As per or according to Giligan, the moral reasoning of males focuses on the JUSTICE, whereas the moral reasoning of females is concerned with SHOWING OF CARE. This is the major difference between a male and female perspective towards taking care to other people.
Darwin's theory did not just alter political thinking, contributing to fascism, communism and two world wars. It also changed the thinking of huge numbers of people within Western societies. Values based on centuries of Judeo-Christian teaching on the sanctity of marriage and human life in general began to erode. Darwin's theory did not just provide an alternative explanation to the biblical account of creation, it effectively led to doubts on everything in the Bible, including the moral laws.
A) In which people are presented with ambiguous images.
The TAT is easily identified as a picture interpretation technique. This is ascertained to be so because it uses standard series of ambiguous pictures that some people can easily tag to be provocative in its viewings directing a subject to give a story. This stories is sometimes seen to be conscious or from our subconscious minds.
When TAT fall on a conscious story, it tends to give out aspects of personality,power and intimacy, achievement, and sometimes ability to solve pending problems.
It deals keenly on what has led up to the event shown, also the characters feelings, happenings during the story etc.