The fact that although only six months old baby Kate has learned that every time she cries her mother picks her up means that K<span>ate has already successfully applied a basic learning principle known as conditioning with her mother.</span>
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A passive aggressive behaviour is a behaviour in which one person openly expresses hostility without being violent but by using other means such as ostensibly not answering another person's request or saying things which are not directly abusive but can be interpreted as such
The modern evolutionary synthesis leaves unresolved some of the most fundamental, long-standing questions in evolutionary biology: What is the role of sex in evolution? How does complex adaptation evolve? How can selection operate effectively on genetic interactions? More recently, the molecular biology and genomics revolutions have raised a host of critical new questions, through empirical findings that the modern synthesis fails to explain: for example, the discovery of de novo<span> genes; the immense constructive role of transposable elements in evolution; genetic variance and biochemical activity that go far beyond what traditional natural selection can maintain; perplexing cases of molecular parallelism; and more.</span>