The answer to this question is InFormal Code
Which means that the school shouldn't force the children to follow a certain standard in learning process.
Every students have their own talents and interest so the school have to give enough room for the students to utilize that themselves.
When you compare things, you are looking for what is an analogy. That is a proper comparison of both of them.
Answer and Explanation:
What are the responsibilities of the government towards its citizens?
The government plays a crucial role in protecting the citizens of the country. It also ensures the country's peace and order, so that people can live a normal life free from foreign threats. It also helps protect the country's national territory in order for people to fully enjoy the country's natural resources and for them to live happily.
What does it expect from people?
If the government has responsibilities towards its citizens, so do citizens have responsibilities towards the government. Citizens are expected to respect and <u>follow the law </u>laid down by the government. They are also expected to<u> respect other citizens</u>. In addition, they are expected to <u>participate in community activities,</u> which help make the entire nation a better place to live.
I think the three decisions made by the estates-general are the following:
a. Summoning the Estates wherein the nobles and peasants convened after they were summoned by King Louis XVI
b.The Estates-General convened and created the Edict of 24 January 1789 to tackle the current financial difficulties of France
C. After the convention, the Estate had continued to tackle the issues with proceedings and created various solutions to the ongoing debt of the country.
Acute fatigue.
Acute fatigue is related to the inability to perform a given activity at once and is caused by changes in physiological and biochemical characteristics that make it impossible to continue exercise or activity in order to preserve the organism. In the case of the above question, we can conclude that the above case is a case of acute fatigue because an individual was unable to do all his activities within the given time period.