Answer: By 1405 CE Zheng He was an admiral in the imperial fleet, and he was selected by the emperor to lead a fleet across the Indian Ocean to explore the possibilities of new tributary states and bring them into the sphere of Chinese influence. The object of the voyages was to display the glory and might of the Chinese Ming dynasty and to collect tribute from the "barbarians from beyond the seas." Merchants also accompanied Zheng's voyages, Wu explained, bringing with them silks and porcelain to trade for foreign luxuries such as spices and jewels. The seven voyages of the Treasure Fleet were meant to display Chinese might to all the kingdoms and trade ports of the Indian Ocean world and to bring back exotic toys and novelties for the emperor.
He claimed that if he did all that it would be helpful for both the people and him. He believed that if you are a politician, you work for yourself and in your self-interest. If you find a way to help yourself and at the same time your people and you country, that would be the best, so being available for help was a political move that would help elevate his rank, while also being useful for the people.