Answer: To perform photosynthesis, plants need three things: carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight.
We group artworks with similar characteristics into periods or styles because it is easiest to do it that way - this way we can find common characteristics in these literary/artistic eras, and name them. For example, the Renaissance had a distinct style, which differs greatly from that of Romanticism.
Answer: the tails are hydrophobic and the heads are hydrophilic
Phytoplankton can be defined as a set of photosynthesizing microorganisms that live floating on the water surface. It is composed of microscopic algae and cyanobacteria, which can be unicellular, colonial or filamentous. These microorganisms are defined as the primary producers of an ocean grazing food network.
Because phytoplankton live in aquatic environments - both in limic (eg lakes) and marine environments - they have a number of adaptations that guarantee their survival in the water column. Some of these microorganisms, for example, have flagella that aid locomotion; others, in turn, have gas vacuoles that aid in flotation, while some of them have mucilage, which surrounds the cells and ensures protection, flotation and locomotion.
Cilia and flagella are projections from the cell. They are made up of microtubules , as shown in this cartoon and are covered by an extension of the plasma membrane. They are motile and designed either to move the cell itself or to move substances over or around the cell.