Lower frequency for both dewlap extension and pushups. In the presence of predators and females an increase in the dewlap frequency and pushups is expected as a result of defense and breeding mechanisms mixed while in the second situation we have just breeding mechanisms involved
The 'cheek' is the common name for the insect GENA.
The gena is located in the head area of insects. The gena forms the sclerotized area on each side of the head, below the compound eyes, which extends to the gular structure. The gena varies among species of insects.
A Nuclear transfer is used for Creating Clones
These are large molecules which are formed from the union of many monosaccharides units through condensation. Excess glucose in the body is stored in form of glycogen and can be hydrolyzed when glucose levels go down. Glucagon stimulates liver cells to break down glycogen into glucose.
El árbol de la vida o árbol universal de la vida es una metáfora, modelo y herramienta de investigación que se utiliza para explorar la evolución de la vida y describir las relaciones entre organismos, tanto vivos como extintos, como se describe en un famoso pasaje de El origen de las especies (1859) de Charles Darwin.2