The enzyme that breaks down H2O2 is called catalase.
If lactic acid builds up in the body more quickly than it can be removed, acidity levels in bodily fluids — such as blood — spike. lactic acid buildup occurs when there's not enough oxygen in the muscles to break down glucose and glycogen.
Air pressure is what you measure with a tire gauge. Atmospheric pressure is what you measure with a mercury barometer. Let me be more specific. Pressure is the amount of force per unit area that a gas exerts on a surface.
The correct answer is C. self-report inventory.
A self-report inventory test is a category of personality tests in which individuals answer a series of questions about personal behavior. Self -report inventory asks questions directly about their personal interest, values, symptoms and behaviors. it may takes five to fifteen minutes to complete test.
The pulse of the bodies raises for the first 20 seconds after sitting for a prolonged period of time and then to a standing position. It should, however, return to normal afterwards. The heartbeat of the body decreases because as you travel the blood needs to flow to the active areas and the blood flows downward from gravity, however you still need to pump blood to your brain. The rise in blood demand makes the heart pump more rapidly.