Cross-training is athletic training in sports other than the athlete's usual sport. The goal is improving overall performance. It takes advantage of the particular effectiveness of one training method to negate the shortcomings of another
Hi! As far as I know, it's normal for a cycle to last 3-7 days. If you're not feeling any severe pain then it should be good. I recommend using Flo, as it helps you predict your cycles and tells you when to see a professional or not. However, since your family has a history I do recommend seeing a professional just to make sure everything is going well, even if you have no symtoms. If there is a problem it's better to find it early than to find it later it life. Hope this helps!
It really depends on their age. You also cant just assume all patients are on birth control.
Bad hygiene, puberty, physical activity or just normal teenage bodily changes.