A picture of taping the washer to the bottle, and arrows indicating that the tape shouldn't cover the washer hole.
hope this helps!
a alligator tried to kill me and my dad?
Answer - A. A person works through her doubts to acheive a worthwhile goal.
Are you in 8th grade? Because I read those 2 stories this year aswell.!
I think my mom is a super mom because........................................
(( for conclusion)) These reasons are why My mom is a super mom!!
She takes care of me, She makes me food, She's always there for me......
<u> D. Men are only human and fallible themselves and cannot claim their opinions to be divine and infallible.</u>
The excerpt asserts rulers' nature (both civilian and ecclesiastical): they are fallible, imperfect, and uninspired men. Still, over the centuries, they have established and imposed their opinions on others as reliable, as the only truth. But this is wrong, the divine, and the truth can not depend on men's opinions or beliefs about what they think it's right. In conclusion, men with their fallible and imperfect nature, cannot claim their opinions to be divine and infallible.