it is mostly negative
when you look at the situation in their social life,you find that everyone wants to have the latest trends and will do anything in order to fit in(this is a dangerous thing as it could result to possibly drug and substance abuse
Physical:they stress their bodies concerning their looks hence plastic surgery
Emotional:they feel as if they aren't understood by anyone else but their peers
Abnormal levels of sodium or glucose in the blood.
Brain infection, including meningitis and encephalitis.
Brain injury that occurs to the baby during labor or childbirth.
Brain problems that occur before birth (congenital brain defects)
Brain tumor (rare)
Drug abuse.
Electric shock.
<em>starts increasing the blood flow to the muscles: WARM UP</em>
<em>helps get muscles out of a relaxed state: WARM UP</em>
<em>helps prevent muscle soreness the day after exercise: COOL DOWN </em>
<em>helps the joints of the body handle the strain of exercise: WARM UP</em>
<em>keeps the blood moving through the body: COOL DOWN </em>
<em>helps keep the heart from getting shocked by activity: WARM UP</em>
COOLING DOWN -- it's important to cool down after a work out as it's a great way of recovery of the exercises and it can get back our heart rate and blood pressure to balance. It doesn't reduce muscle soreness but it regulates our blood flow.
WARMING UP -- helps our bodies to get prepared for the upcoming activity. It gradually becomes more active in order to rise our body's temperature so it can increase the blood flow into our muscles. It is also crucial in reducing risks of injury or muscle soreness.