Drink water instead of soda.
Eat breakfast every morning.
Younger siblings tend to be influenced by older siblings (including teenager). This influence should be used to provoke beneficial behaviors in the lives of younger siblings, such as encouraging more nutritious eating habits such as drinking water instead of soda and having breakfast each morning.
Drinking soda doesn't do any good to health. In addition to the exorbitant amounts of sugar, soft drinks have in its composition numerous chemicals that only cause harm. For this reason, soda should be replaced by water which besides being a strong moisturizer for our body, regulates body temperature, detoxifies the body, leaves skin and hair more beautiful, among other things.
Having breakfast each morning is also an important factor for our nutrition. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, not only because it is a breakfast, but also because of its relationship with body health, maintaining the ideal weight and balancing everything that will be consumed the rest of the day. This feeding step is directly linked to the reconstitution of the energy reserves used after a long period of fasting at night (8-12 hours). It is at breakfast that the functions of the digestive tract are reestablished, an essential step to speed up the metabolism the rest of the day and even to prevent disease in these organs.