There are three main reasons for European Exploration. Them being for the sake of their economy, religion and glory. They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices, gold, and better and faster trading routes. Also, they really believed in the need to spread their religion, Christianity.
Why did the Virginia Company of London establish the colony? The Virginia Company was in search of economic opportunity. They expected to profit from mineral wealth such as gold and iron ore, timber and wood products and other natural resources.
brainliest hope taht helps
Answer: Stanley Milgram
Explanation: As Stanley Milgram himself stated, the essence of obedience to authority is when a person begins to perceive himself as a tool to fulfil the wishes of the authority, not his own wishes, so he sees all his actions and consequences of these actions as a result of the action of authority, not as a result of his will and responsibility. Milgram based his experiment on the conflict that arises between the state of obedience and the conscience of a person who subordinated to authority. The essence of the experiment concerned the responsibility of those who committed genocide during WWII, who claimed to have been merely obedient, i.e executing the orders of superiors, and based their defense on this claim.
This begs the question of whether or not they were complicit in the genocide.
The experiment was performed with pairs of participants where one was a "student" and the other was a "teacher", and where the student was connected to an electroshock electrode. Each time a student would give a wrong answer, the teacher would activate electricity through the electrodes and the student would experience an electric shock. With each wrong answer, the teacher would increase the level of electric shock. There are also some moderation in the experiment, such as a student would make a mistake on purpose, etc.
The conclusion is that ordinary people are generally willing to kill people, even if they are innocent in order to execute the orders of superiors, recognised as authority. It is considered that when it comes to authority, all its orders are justified and legal. So it is moral and proper to follow the orders of authority, whatever it may be.
Definición de nómada y sedentario: las personas nómadas viajan de un lugar a otro y no hacen asentamientos permanentes. El estilo de vida sedentario o, de lo contrario, el sedentarismo se puede definir como una sociedad o forma de vida en la que las personas se establecen permanentemente en un lugar.
Yes, Canada is a nation of both peacekeepers and peacemakers.
No, peacekeeping is not a myth.
Peacekeepers country often put itself in a position as mediators between other countries that interacted with one another. Canada has done this several times throughout history (one small example would be when Canada mediate a conflict of imports quota between United States and Mexico).
On top of that, Canada also involved in several peacemakers mission when they sent their resources to help the people who are trapped within political conflicts. (one example of this would be when Canada sent help to Cambodia during four peace support missions from 1954 to 2000.)
From those historical events alone, I believe Canada could be considered as a nation of both peacekeepers and peacemakers.