Direct Subsidized Loans I believe
I would say none of the above as A, B, and C do not seem like sensible answers.
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The flashdrive can hold 35389 400-pages-books
of a page occupies 1 kB of memory, we can calculate how much memory a book will take

Now that we know that a book average file size is about 266,67 kB, we calculate how many of them can a 9 GB flash drive hold.
To do the calculation, we have to know how many kilobytes are in 9 gigabytes.
There is 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte, and 1024 megabytes in a gigabyte, so:

Finally, knowing the average file size of a book and how much memory in kilobytes the 9 GB flash drive holds, we calculate how many books can it hold.

The flashdrive can hold 35389 400-pages-books, or 14155776 pages of typical text.