3.3125 you can find this answer by using a calculator
Find the GCD (or HCF) of numerator and denominator
GCD of 18 and 20 is 2
Divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD
18 ÷ 2
20 ÷ 2
Reduced fraction:
Note: 6 employees means half of the employees contributed $7.75 each.
6 x $7.75 = $46.50.
To find how much money remains to be collected, subtract $46.50 from $100.
So, $100 - $46.50 = $53.50 is the answer.
sorry it's late but hopefully it can help someone else
<u>f(g(x)) = 9x² + 15x + 2</u>
Step-by-step explanation:
- f(x) = x² + 5x + 2
- g(x) = 3x
<u>Solving f(g(x))</u>
- f(g(x))
- f(3x)
- f(3x) = (3x)² + 5(3x) + 2
- f(3x) = 9x² + 15x + 2
- <u>f(g(x)) = 9x² + 15x + 2</u>