Dampak negatif manusia terhadap lingkungan adalah:
Kelebihan penduduk, polusi, pembakaran bahan bakar fosil, dan penggundulan hutan. Perubahan seperti ini telah memicu perubahan iklim, erosi tanah, kualitas udara yang buruk, dan air yang tidak dapat diminum.
Dampak positif manusia terhadap lingkungan adalah:
Melindungi spesies yang terancam punah dan membersihkan danau dan laut memiliki efek positif terhadap lingkungan. Di rumah, Anda dapat membantu planet ini dengan mendaur ulang limbah dan menanam tanaman atau sayuran.
Answer choices:
- A frame shift mutation in the X chromosome of a cheek cell
- A chromosomal mutation in the Y chromosome of a kidney cell
- A point mutation in the first chromosome of a sperm cell
- A substitution mutation in the third chromosome of a uterus cell
A point mutation in the first chromosome of a sperm cell
Only mutations that affect the germ line are passed on to the next generation. Therefore, only mutations in the egg and sperm of an individual have the potential to affect the next generation.
Mutations in cheek cells, kidney cells, and uterus cells might cause cell death or cancer. This genetic material is not passed on to the next generation, only the egg and sperm contribute this material. Therefore, only mutations here will affect the generation.
Red blood cells makes up your body
Sweat glands and sebaceous glands are exocrine glands. Pineal and adrenal glands are endocrine glands.