Wouldn't it be false?
because what if the website doesn't allow some kinds of people on certain pages?
(If its wrong then sorry.)
Big data is a field that treats ways to analyze, systematically extract information from, or otherwise deal with data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application software. ... Big data was originally associated with three key concepts: volume, variety, and velocity.
Big data es un campo que trata formas de analizar, extraer sistemáticamente información de, o de otra manera tratar con conjuntos de datos que son demasiado grandes o complejos para ser manejados por el software tradicional de aplicación de procesamiento de datos. ... Big data se asoció originalmente con tres conceptos clave: volumen, variedad y velocidad.
Rewrite the Espresso Counter program to Swap or interchange any two rows of the output. Copy and paste just the interchanged parts of the code. Compile and run the modified program. Copy and paste the new user interface output. Add a new row to the Espresso Counter user interface. Describe your modifications. Compile and run the new program. Copy and paste
1. Your modifications
2. Snapshots of your new counter interface.
Following are the program to this question:
#include <iostream> //defining header file
using namespace std;
int hailstoneLength(int n) //defining method hailstoneLength
int t=1; //defining integer variable assign
while(n!=1) //define a loop that checks value is not equal to 1
if(n%2==0) // check even number condition
n=n/2; // divide the value by 2 and store its remainder value in n
t++; //increment value of t by 1.
n=n*3+1; //calculate and hold value in n
t++; //increment value of t variable by 1
return t; //return value
int main() //defining main method
int n; //defining integer variable
cout<<"Enter any number: "; //print message
cin>> n; //input value
cout<<hailstoneLength(n); //call method and print its value
return 0;
Enter any number: 3
Program description can be given as follows:
- In the given C++ language program an integer method "hailstoneLength", is declared, that accepts an integer variable "n" in its parameter.
- Inside the method, an integer variable t is declared, that assign a value that is 1, in the next line, a while loop is declared, that uses if block to check even condition if number is even it divide by 2 and increment t variable value by 1.
- If the number is odd it will multiply the value by 3 and add 1 and increment t by 1 then it will go to if block to check value again. when value of n is not equal to 1 it will return t variable value.
- In the main method, an integer variable "n" is used that call the method and print its return value.
I slick thinks it’s because of its color