Van Daan at the beginning of Scene 3? Mrs. Frank is so upset with Mr. Van Daan because he is stealing food
Student answer will vary and may include hardships from job loss for the workers and their families. Answers should include the idea that as workers at the factory lose their jobs they and their families will reduce their spending. This reduction will hurt other businesses that will then need to lay-off employees, reduce hours, or delay hiring. Those newly affected will, in turn, reduce their spending causing hardship to other businesses in the town.
Maybe include the factors you can choose from.
john adams was a patriot and entrage of a navel fleet
Charlews cornwalis british troops fell at york town
john paul jones signed the treaty of paris
sry i had to cut the scentences short
I learned this in my history class plus this is what i love learning about
generall cornwalis and the war of america i also like learning abou ww2