This was Tenochtitlan, which is was turned into today's Mexico City after the conquest.
Tenochtitlan was the Aztec capital, located on an island on the lake Texcoco, which was drained and where today's Mexico City is located.
Yes uaijwhw hquqiuqj bahahajajaj Bahahhaha hahwhajaja hahajajaj
Genitals and leaves out psychological issues
<span>Tefer believes it leaves out important aspects, focusing too much on genital functioning and leaving out the psychological aspect
Basson agrees and feels that women's motivations for sex are more complex than men; driven by desire for intimacy
Tiefer and Basson believe nonsexual distractions of life interfere with a woman's ability to be sexually aroused</span>
The answer to the question stated above is: letter D The impact of European colonialism in the Americas similar to its impact on Africa from the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries is that Colonialism resulted in widespread deaths from disease in both locations.