Both focus on providing information to assist the adult in making the most effective use of occupational information
Professional means relating to a person's work or occupation. Some have received significant professional support in the form of soft loans. Synonyms: work-related, work, professionally, professionally
The definition of occupation is that which arises from or relates to a particular type of work. Examples of occupational low back pain from bending over while picking vegetables; occupational risks for farm workers. Occupation is a general term that refers to the field or industry in which you work, or the work you are interested in. It can also refer to your role within an organization. Listing your occupation in an interview includes his impact on you, your job, your profession, and your career in one answer.
Learn more about occupational here
Germany's army was limited and they have to pay reparations
In this situation, participants:
Believed in diagnostic information but they simply didn't pay attention to the base rate.
- Kahneman and Tversky did experiments in the fields of psychology.
- The base rate is such a phenomenon in the field of psychology which tells us that certain number of population will show certain characteristics. So, in our case the base rate is the information that proportion of people in the overall population who are lawyers or engineers.
- But the participants made judgments about the likelihood that certain people with certain characteristics were lawyers or engineers.
The decisions made by producers and consumers drive all economic choices.