The correct answer is: It is made up of a rhyme scheme of abab, cdcd.
In this sonnet, Shakespeare describes chronicles which contain some beautiful descriptions of the past where he notice the beauty of the youth and the young man.
The syntax of the Sonnet 106 is characterised by a specific rhyme scheme of abab, cdcd, as we can see from the excerpt above. In this excerpt, the first line is rhyming with the third (<em>time </em>rhymes with <em>rhyme</em>), the second line rimes with the fourth (<em>wights </em>rhymes with <em>knights</em>), etc.
When in the chronicle of wasted <u>time</u>
I see descriptions of the fairest wights,
And beauty making beautiful old <u>rhyme</u>,
In praise of ladies dead and lovely knights,
Then in the blazon of sweet beauty's <u>best</u>
Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow,
I see their antique pen would have <u>express'd</u>
Even such a beauty as you master now.
The answer in D because SENSory language appeals to the SENSes.
Dante's character seems to be basically good, but his worldly innocence makes him surprised by the sights of Hell.
Since his first meeting with Virgil, Dante has continued to be astounded by the paranormal events that shape the story's rules. Every spirit Dante encountered as he travelled through the circles of Hell continued to astound and terrify him. The character of Dante is meant to represent every atheist who wants to challenge their own religion with reason but is disproved at the first sign of anything illogical.
Learn more about Dante here:
The main character, Montresor’s, detailing of events of revenge as a premeditated murder against Fortunato. The writer uses a form of flashback by mentioning the injury and insult inflicted by Fortunato upon Montresor in the beginning of the story to give explanation to the detailing of revenge. The writer also uses flashback in visualization of the events to come from Montresor’s planning of his revenge on Fortunato. Poe is using flashback to tell the entire story from 50 years after the tragedy has taken place. With the imagery the writer uses for visualization of each setting and events such as; their trip through the vaults and catacombs in search of the Amontillado throughout the story, he creates suspense at different intervals. Montresor gave Fortunato the opportunity to create conflict by giving him the option to turn back and not continue with their journey, but since he chose to continue on, conflict was essentially avoided until the “end” of their journey. The turning point of the story is when Fortunato realizes his predicament of being chained to the wall of the inner recess of the catacomb and bricked in, is not carried out in jest but in malice and his death is imminent.