The answer is <span>Disaccharides are different in structure because they are not made up of the same monosaccharides, and this gives them different properties.
Both sucrose and lactose are disaccharides, however, they are made up different monosaccharides:
Disaccharide = monosaccharide + monosaccharide
Sucrose = glucose + fructose
Lactose = glucose + </span>galactose
Since they have different structures, their characteristics and behaviour in chemical reactions must differ, too.
Antelopes play an important role in the ecosystems they are a part of. Like many other species, they help maintain biodiversity, which will ensure sustainability for all organisms in the ecosystem. The natural predators that feed off of antelopes, for example, would lose their source of food.
Answer: D. the mucus that helps the sperm travel to the uterus is too thick.
Artificial insemination is the technique in which the sperms are introduced into the female's cervix or uterine cavity. This results in pregnancy through in vivo fertilization. Women cervix is blocked by thick mucus which block the entry of sperms. Therefore, artificial insemination would be better in such situation than other forms of treatment.
Is the benefit worth the cost?
Environmental policies application has to lead to some economic cost.
When coming up with this policies, the effect that this policies shall have towards environmental protection shall be considered.
The cost and economic effect that this policies shall cause should also be looked at.
If a policy causes insignificant change towards environmental protection and at the same time the costs are too high, then the policy should be dropped.
If a policy has got significant impact and costs less, the it should be taken.
Is a fallacy that consists of a false appeal to the authority of "everyone"; based on the assumption that a course of action should be taken or an idea should be supported because "everyone" is doing it or believes it.