A swap transaction in the inter bank market is the simultaneous purchase and sale of a given amount of foreign exchange for two different value dates. The purchase and sale are with the same counterpart. A swap may be considered a technique for borrowing another currency on a fully collateralize basis.
A credit score is a score that measures how likely you are to pay back a loan. If the score Is good that means they paid their loans on time. if the score is bad that means they aren't likely to pay any payments they are given through a loan. You can maintain a proper score by paying bills on time, when taking out loans pay the payments on time. and when you loan a car Pay. The. Payments.
It is to provide your clients a visual demonstration of their current financial situation, the raw numbers on where they are today, and what it would take for them to reach their goals and dreams.
The amount of dividend received by common stockholders in 2017 = $7500
The preference shares are cumulative which means the 2015 dividend on cumulative preference shares will be paid in the next year when dividend is declatred.
The total dividend on preference shjares is = 2500 * 100 * 0.05 = $12500
In 2016 dividend of 22500 is declared and paid.
Out of this 22500, 12500 relates to prefernece dividend for 2015.
The remaining 10000 relates to 2016 preference dividend. Thus, 2500 of 2016 preference dividned is outstanding and will be paid in 2017.
In 2017 out of 22500, 15000 (12500 + 2500) dividendd is paid to preference share holders.
The amount of dividend received by common stockholders in 2017 = 22500 - 15000 = $7500