Homozygous means having identical piars of genes for any given pair of heredity characteristics.
heterozygous means an individual having two different alleles for a specific trait.
The right temporal lobe
The cerebral cortex of the brain has two sections known as hemispheres, and each hemisphere can be divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, which is characterized by the damage of the temporal lobe. Alzheimer’s disease usually initiates in the hippocampus, which is a structure inside each temporal lobe. The temporal lobes are involved in different neuronal functions: object recognition, face recognition, perception, memory, language, emotions, etc. The right temporal lobe is mainly involved in processing visual information (i.e., face recognition, object recognition, familiar recognition).
The binding of chemical messengers to receptors often results in a shape change, which affects receptor function.
Binding of specific chemical messengers to the corresponding receptors of target cells brings about change in the shape of the receptors. This structural change in the receptor results in the generation of the desired response. It reflects how the form and specific configuration of substances or biomolecules affect their functions.
For example, binding of neurotransmitters to the receptors present on neurons opens the associated ligand-gated ion channels to allow the movement of specific ions through it. In the absence of bound ligand, these channels are present in a closed conformation.