24.8 sorry I couldn’t find this question sooner
- 1 = pentagon
- 2 = diamond
- 3 = square
- 5 = circle
- 6 = rectangle
- 7 = oval
- 8 = triangle
- 9 = hexagon
- 10 = trapezoid
Step-by-step explanation:
Each half of a hanger divides the total weight in half. The right-most vertical has a total weight of 80/16 = 5. It consists of a square and a diamond, and we know the square is 1 more than the diamond. That means 2 diamonds weigh 5 -1 = 4. A diamond weighs 2, and a square weighs 3. The other half of that balance is a circle, which weighs 5.
The total of a square and oval is 10, so the oval is 10 -3 = 7. The two trapezoids weigh 20, so each is 10.
The second vertical from the left is a circle and diamond which will weigh 5+2 = 7. That makes the sum of a pentagon and rectangle also be 7. The 7+7 = 14 below the square on the left branch makes the total of that branch be 14+3 = 17, which is also the sum of the triangle and hexagon.
The weight below the rectangle at top left is 17+17 = 34, and the weight of that entire branch is 40. Thus the rectangle is 40-34 = 6, which makes the pentagon 7-6 = 1.
We require the sum of the triangle and hexagon be 17, with the triangle being the smaller value, and both being 9 or less (the trapezoid is the only figure weighing more than 9). Hence the triangle is 8 and the hexagon is 9.
The weights are summarized in the answer section, above.
Step-by-step explanation:
The box plot explains the right numbers in order
Step-by-step explanation:
You've typed the equation incorrectly. 3^5x-1 = 3⁵x-1.
It needs to be typed as 3^(5x-1) = 7.
Step-by-step explanation:
In order to completely surround a circle, you need six circles to do that while here in the question it is mentioned that currently there are only five circles surrounding the circle, hence there is enough room to easily fit one more circle.
I just hope that you are satisfied with the answer, Best of Luck.