When the penis is erect, the flow of urine is blocked from the urethra, allowing only semen to be ejaculated at orgasm. The scrotum is the loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs behind the penis. It holds the testicles (also called testes), as well as many nerves and blood vessels.
B below
The hypothalamus is located at the bottom or below the thalamus. The name hypo means below or at the bottom. Hypothalamus is an organ reponsible for maintaining body temperature, regulating bodily hormones and basic drives such as sex, hunger and thirst. The organ is part of the limbic system which has a role on emotions and memory.
Physical appearance can be changed by working out cause you could get thinner or become wider.
Texas guidelines mandate that utensils must be dried with a clean cloth. Restaurants must obtain a permit to do business. A meat grinder used to grind beef must be washed before it can be used to grind turkey. All food service establishments must have at least one toilet.