What could you do with that ice its gonna be dirty then. Unless its talking about before then just pour some water on it to get the other drinks submerged in some cold water instead of having them sit on top. In fact were the h are your answer choices did you not get any? They would really be helpful right now.
By using S>T>O>P you should first remind your friend how it's not safe to and if they call you a coward just tell them the accidents and how it will affect them and they may regret they're life decisions based on what they are going to do.
As you know doing such stuff may be unsafe and may effect your body by hurting or injurying yourself so tell your friends about how they shouldnt do it without parental supervision of any sort and make sure she wears saftey gears if she plans on actually doing it.
For steak the danger zone is 40-140 degrees Fahrenheit. So Steak held at 160 is in the temperature zone.